Sewing the Linden Sweatshirt
Last weekend, I finally sewed up my 2nd terry version of everyone's favourite: the Linden sweatshirt (by Grainline Studios). I've previously made it in Atelier Brunette 'Twinkle Grey' grey/pink French terry (below) and have had the 'Dazzle Night' navy blue/gold version of it (both from M is for Make) waiting in my stash for aaaages. I kept thinking "when it gets colder" and that time has come, my friends.
I actually found it an easier make this time. I've had a practice at stretching the neckband whilst sewing and it seemed to go much more smoothly. It still has a couple of minor puckers in it, but nothing too bad. I managed to line up one cuff seam perfectly, but I don't know what happened with the second, as it was a little off. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I was only meant to be having 2 hours of sewing time on a Sunday evening, and ended up finishing the whole sew (at 11pm!) I got to the stage where I only had the waistband left so I thought "I might as well finish it now!"
I'm a little bit lazy when it comes to overlocking my seams as I don't have an overlocker but have an overlocking stitch on my machine (a 15+ year old Toyota) so I tend to just do the ones that might be noticed, like the cuffs. On this version, I had a go at the topstitching around the neckline to catch the seam allowance underneath, and to give it a traditional sweatshirt look.
Speaking of stitches, I used a stretch stitch and a ball point needle (80/12). I'm picking lots of things up that I didn't know when I first started such as which types of needles to use for which fabrics etc. The Maker's Workbook by Creative Industry is my go-to guide for needle types as it has a handy guide in it. I'm also finding online tutorials and blogs really helpful. This is a great make for learning how to sew with knits - I've also made it in jersey with contrasting sleeves - with a little practice it becomes a really quick make (like I said, one evening!)
Anyway, here it is, my second (but certainly not my last) Linden. I just need to find some more terry for my next make now...
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